Audra B

This is my Isagenix Journey - The pic on the left was taken on a trip to Mexico in December 2013. I had looked in the mirror everyday, but never believed what I had become until I looked at this picture. It was this picture that made me decide, I needed to change my life. I didn't like the way I looked, or how I felt, but had zero energy to change it because I slept awful. I remember how crappy I felt that day, I was exhausted. I looked at this picture and thought, how did I let this happen, but I knew the answer. After my 4th child was born 13 years ago, I continued to gain 5 lbs a year (5 lbs/year doesn't seem like a lot), but add that up over 13 years and I had gained 65 lbs in total!! Yikes! I had totally forgot about myself and was busy being a Mom and my family's needs were put ahead of my own. I didn't have the time to put into myself and my health (or so I thought)! I knew I had to change my lifestyle and put myself first. I began my Isagenix journey on January 6, 2014 and have never looked back. The picture on the right is after achieving my goal weight in July, 2014 and just after I hiked 2 miles with my dog. I had released 65 lbs and many many inches. I have maintained my weight since July and will continue with my new lifestyle change. I will never go back to the old me. I owe this healthy body & mind to myself, my children and my husband. And they don't even notice that I'm missing & putting myself first by exercising for 1 1/2 hours at 5AM, because they're all still sleeping. LOL. I love how I feel now and Isagenix will always be a part of my life.


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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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