Calgary Weight Management

Find the right weight loss center or clinic for your health needs

A weight loss clinic or center is geared towards allowing individuals to achieve a healthy weight. Different clinics have different specialties and offerings, ranging from nutritional counselling to  weight management advice, while others also offer additional medical options and forms of counselling to help clients reach their goals.

This post provides an overview of staple offerings at Calgary weight loss clinics and weight loss centers, as well as a list of some key questions for Calgarians to consider when choosing the option that will help them maximize their health and fitness.

Calgary Weight Loss Centers and Clinics: Types of Programs and Services

Weight loss centers and clinics can have a variety of different offerings. These can include:

  1. Meal Planning and Nutrition Counselling: Up to 70% of a weight loss is influenced by the diet. This is why a well thought-out meal plan is one of the most important aspects of any weight loss plan. A nutrition specialist or dietician may also recommend supplements as part of a meal plan.
  2. Exercise Tips and Personal Training: Health and fitness are intertwined, and a good weight loss clinic or center should be able to provide you with exercise tips and plans tailored to your needs. For individuals with injuries or different health requirements, it can be useful to determine if the clinic or weight loss center has staff with specialties in areas such as physiotherapy, sports medicine, personal training, or fitness training, and if they are able to collaborate with your current health care professionals to develop the best plan for you.

  3. Motivation and Counseling: Weight loss programs can become challenging at times, which is why maintaining a sense of motivation and developing healthy strategies to overcome obstacles can be so important. Calgary weight management clinics or centers often offer counselling, tips, or workshops to help individuals stay motivated even in cases where progress slows slightly or if they hit a plateau.They may also offer strategies for dealing with obstacles such as emotional issues around food, as well as tips for making balanced food choices at parties and other social events.

Questions To Ask When Selecting a Calgary Weight Management Clinic or Center

  1. What is the duration of the program?

Some clinics offer ongoing support with regular meetings on, for example, a weekly, biweekly, or monthly basis as you progress towards your goals. Other clinics offer more limited, intense programs. Other weight loss centers offer online resources. When deciding on which Calgary weight loss clinic is best for you, it can be useful to ask about these options as well as reflect upon which best suits your lifestyle.

Some individuals also find it useful to combine different types of programs. For example, they might opt for an intense eight-week nutrition program to kick start their progress, and taper off to a maintenance program once they have met their goal.

  1. Are supplements or meals offered as part of the program? If not, does the program offer assistance with developing a meal plan and finding healthy recipes?

Make sure that you know exactly what the clinic offers so that you can be fully prepared when you start your program. Even if your Calgary weight loss center does not provide supplements or meal replacements, they should be able to assist you in planning meals and provide tips for grocery shopping and meal preparation.

  1. Does the program focus on healthy, measured weight loss?

While it might be tempting to lose as much weight as possible very quickly for an event or when “swimsuit season” approaches, sometimes rapid weight loss can be dangerous. Steady progress of 1/2lb to 2lbs per week is the healthiest rate of weight loss, although it is possible for weight loss to occur more quickly earlier on in your journey towards health and fitness.

Calgary clinics or centers you choose should should promote a healthy and balanced lifestyle change rather than extreme diets.

  1. Does the center offer guidance and support for maintaining weight loss when the initial program is completed?

Once  you’ve reached your health and fitness goals, it’s important to have healthy habits in place to maintain the results of all of your hard work.

  1. What are the center or clinic staff’s credentials?

Many different specialists can work at a weight loss center or clinic. Some might have background in medical fields, while others might be experienced coaches, personal trainers, or athletes. Others might be experienced dieticians or specialists in nutrition.

Reviews, word-of-mouth, and success stories can help you find the right Calgary weight loss clinic with the right team to help you reach your goals.

Contact Us

To learn more about choosing the right Calgary-based weight loss clinic or center for you, contact our team of Calgary weight loss specialists at You can also reach us through the contact form on our website

Tags:Weight Loss CenterWeight Loss Clinic

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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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