Chris D

So I look back on the last 30 days of my life and I am more pleased than I can put into words on where I sit today. 

It all started with my friend Shannon telling me about Isagenix and that I should join her and her cousin on the June, 30 day challenge. I reached a stage in my life that I was stressed with life and work. I then proceeded to pick Shannon’s brain and the Isagenix 30-day challenge sounded like it was calling my name. So I jumped in with a slight hesitation that it may not work for me. I signed up and ordered my first 30-day shake and cleanse pack. It arrived the day before the June challenge kick off started. I was stoked and was dedicated to the next 30 days. From there the Sarg (AKA Shannon) convinced me to start going to the gym with her where she proceeded to kick my butt for the next 30 days. She found an awesome month long training program that pushed me everyday, which of course we started every workout with 30 minutes on the stair master. No excuses and no cheating was the motto for a month, which she did remind me once of during lying bench leg raises. 

So after 30 days of support from the Sarg and her cousin Rachael I went from 212.6 lbs. down to 192.8 lbs. and lost a total of 23.5 inches. Needless to say I now am a full believer and supporter of Isagenix products and 30-day challenge. 

Not only am I super happy with the physical results but all the other added benefits are amazing. I have such an easy time dealing with the stress of my job and in aviation the stress is never ever absent. I have such a mental clarity with life and enjoy doing anything active with my 2 girls. I am that dad I always wanted to be who doesn't mind rolling down the hill getting dirty because I know I can get back up and do it again. I can chase them and play with them without stopping to take a break. 

This is a lifestyle change that I am ready to enjoy for the rest of my life.


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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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