My Dreambody Experience

My Experience with Dreambody has given me a complete understanding of body composition, training techniques and lifelong habits to keep my body lean and strong.

Here is a note from the owner and founder of Dreambody, Paul Anthony

“For over 20 years, I've help people lose weight, build muscle, condition themselves, compete in tournaments, shows, championships, etc. What makes me unique is that I'm more than your personal trainer. I'm your coach. Every transformation is a journey I take with you. Training with me online means benefiting from the knowledge I've recorded and aggregated with every transformation I've helped achieve. This includes cutting edge routines, a best in class nutrition system, roadmaps to conquering mental block scenarios and supplementation you need to power your change.

It all starts with being sick and tired of being sick and tired. Many people who start training with me are regular people who want to improve their quality of life. But then, something incredible happens. With progress, we start believing in ourselves. Soon, what started off as a quest to lose a few pounds has turned into life transformations. Promotions at work. A new-found relationship. These changes are a derivative of positive thinking and the newly engrained discipline that started with fitness and began pollinating in all the other facets of your life. Change your body, change your life.”

Your Trainer in Success!

Paul Anthony

Tags:Weight Loss CoachingHealth and Fitness

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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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