Nicole O

I have looked back over the countless attempts I have made to improve my physical and mental self, all the diets, so called miracle pills etc. I can say I have done it all. The game changer and aha moment for me was teaming up with this amazing group of men and women on my first 30 day challenge and I'm so happy I decided to jump in with both feet. 

What I have gained from this incredible support group coached by Lisa and Leanne and amazing system along my journey so far goes much further than weight loss. I have broke through both physical and mental plateaus, I am a happier, healthier, more energetic and positive version of myself. I am a better friend, a much better mom to my kids and a better girlfriend. 

I have made connections that have turned into friendships, and friendships that feel like family. Someone has been there every step of the way with encouraging words, high fives, hugs and that has helped me succeed that is something I never found anywhere else. I just feel like everyone deserves this kind of support and this feeling of happiness and confidence.


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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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