Paul S

Ya Right!!!! Those were the words my 15 year old son spoke when I told him I will have 6 pack abs. Five weeks ago I never dreamed I could even make such a statement.

My Toxic Start

Like most teens I never thought much about my health, let alone what the food I ate could do to my body. I knew what I liked. Coffee – and lots of it. By 16 I was drinking on average a pot per day. I craved it – a boost of caffeine to get me going in the morning, coffee and pop in school, pizza pops and ham sandwiches for lunch. For me it was a normal diet.

I was an average looking teen. Fairly lean and not a whole lot of fat on my bones. However, I rarely had energy or mental sharpness. I never played sports. I liked them – in theory. But I was winded after 5 minutes of play. Trying to study or concentrate was always a chore – I simply did not have the focus I needed to excel at school. Focus required energy and energy was in short supply.

I always thought that there was something wrong with me…as it turns out, there was. 

30 years later and my inner life was a mess. On the exterior it looked like I had it all together. Married with 4 awesome kids and a beautiful wife who had a gift of keeping her husband well grounded. We had a house, trailer, truck, minivan, two dogs and a cat. According to our Facebook profile, life was pretty rosy.

Ignore your health and it will go away!

Internally I was in crisis. 15 years working a sedentary job took a serious toll on my health. Meds were standard protocol. Muscle relaxants for my back, anti-depressants for my head – it took a mixture of 6 to 12 Advil and Tylenol a day just to keep my pain in check. I could no longer work a full day. I invested thousands in ergonomic furniture for my workspace but could only manage a few hours of work at a time, often less. 

Sleeping became my nightmare. On a good night I would get 4 – 6 hours of restless sleep. I was wiped out when I woke up, and completely exhausted by bed time. 

My wife was FRUSTRATED. She had to BEG to get me off the couch and go for a walk. She was struggling to lose weight and desperately wanted me to walk with her so we could get some exercise – and I knew every excuse in the book to avoid going out. I LOVE my wife. I WANTED to go with her. I simply did not have the ENERGY to get up and go. My will was tied to my energy and I had neither.

And this was my normal.

Thank God for Breakfast Television!

There it was. Global TV’s breakfast television featured two beautiful young ladies, Leanne Kezin and Lisa Wolny, teaching us how to make a killer low calorie chicken meal. “Like I could ever eat that – it looks good but would barely feed me” I thought to myself. Something about the story caught my wife’s attention. “Start Your Someday Today”. It RESONATED with Deborah. She was tired of being overweight and saw how these two women had lost theirs, looked and felt fantastic. She WANTED that. I thought – “It’s important to her so I will go check it out – cause you know, I want to be a decent hubby.” We signed up and my life shifted.

I owe my wife BIG TIME. Her insistence changed my life!

We both signed up for the program through the website. I was supportive but skeptical. Honestly, I believed all this “Health Stuff” was just another money making scam – but we paid the money so let’s see it through.

Our first 3 days were really, really hard. Our Isagenix support team told us it would be difficult at first. Years of toxins being released into our blood stream practically overnight –they were not kidding. We felt awful! At the end of day four however, something wonderful happened. On the second day of my cleanse, this FLOOD OF ENERGY started to rush through my body. I could not believe it! Here I was after a day of not eating any solid food, running in the park, with my wife laughing and taking pictures of her goofball husband!

Still, I was skeptical – and slightly fearful that it would just be another one of those rare bursts of energy I would sometimes get when the stars aligned just right. Day five turned to day six and day six into day seven and there it was – ENERGY. So much of it in fact, I HAD TO DO SOMETHING! So I joined the gym… and my wife rolled her eyes. Last time I tried a gym membership, I paid for two years and went for one week! BUT THIS TIME WAS DIFFERENT. I went the first day, then the second, and the third. I woke up before the alarm – and that NEVER happened! I started going three days a week and I LOVED IT. I had the energy to actually finish a workout and felt SO GOOD afterwards. I increased to four, then five days a week. All the while Isagenix was helping me shed pounds. 5 pounds a week – I was (and still am) dumbfounded and amazed. 


5 weeks of Isagenix has truly CHANGED MY LIFE! It seems I have boundless energy. Years of stress are being replaced with vibrant, healthy, energized living. A week ago I was sick with a head cold – and no one knew it. What normally would have wiped me out and forced me to take several sick days was now just a minor annoyance. Mostly, I was disappointed that I could not work out those days I was “sick”!

Our diet has changed substantially – I eat 1250 organic calories a day and feel satisfied. We no longer crave coffee, chips, or all the other foods that were starving us, even though we were becoming fatter and fatter. I now work out 6 days a week. In one month I have shed almost 20 pounds of toxic weight and gained inches of muscle. My back has gotten so strong I am back to working full time on the computer. Deborah and I look forward to our walks together and lead active, healthy lives.

So THANK YOU Deborah! THANK YOU Isagenix and most of all, THANK YOU Leanne Kezin and Lisa Wolny. We are becoming abundantly healthy and I will FOREVER be grateful for the absolute GIFT that this program has been to our lives!


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Leanne Kezin

I have always wanted to make a difference in the world. I have had a vision in my head to do what I could to make it matter. I live with this in mind in everything I do. Through the process and the journey of changing my own life, I know that this is how I will help to inspire others. I have lost 60 lbs and have been able to maintain and improve every year since then. I am fit, I am healthy, I am confident, I am free, I am strong, and I am happy. I can show you how I did it and I can show you how you can do it too.

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